Friday, May 15, 2009

The Militarization of American Society and the Rise of the Police State

UPDATE: August 17, 2013

Nothing is more insidious than the slow, creeping deleterious accommodation of complacency.

It's been four years since I posted or updated this blog.  To be honest, I was experiencing fatigue from the barrage of incredibly audacious acts by all three branches of the federal government.  Of course, state governments have been no less than accommodating to the ongoing encroachments of the feds.

Several years after this post was first published, a Marine colonel emphatically sums up what I and others have been warning of for quite some time.  What exists in the U.S. is undeclared martial law.  The citizens and residents are, for the most part, completely oblivious to this.  It is with urgency and alarm that Colonel Peter Martino tries to bring this to the attention of participants at a town council in Concord, New Hampshire recently.  As reported on, Colonel Martino called out what he saw as an end-run around Posse Comitatus.

The implications are quite chilling, if history is to teach us any lesson about the centralization of government around threats to national security.  Although the city council erupted in applause after the colonel's dire explanation and implicit warning, one wonders if they really got it--I mean, really got it.


Among the the bizarre spiral into oblivion that American society is now experiencing, a story from the New York Times further cements, I think,  facts that can no longer be dismissed as paranoid hysteria.  Anyone who reads the May 13, 2009 article, Explorer-Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More, should be appalled.  Is this part of the Civilian National Security Force that President Obama spoke of when he was presidential candidate Obama?  It's strange.  Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall anyone asking what he meant by "Civilian National Security Force."  What are the "national security objectives that we have set?"  What specifically would be the mission of the civilian national security force?  Is it domestic, foreign, or both?  What will a civilian national security force that is "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military look like?  Interestingly enough, the story opens with the training of some scouts in Imperial, California, a border town with Mexico.  This particular training scenario involved taking down a "disgruntled Iraq war veteran" who had already killed two people.  One reader of the article posted a comment that was particularly poignant:

"It would be more authentic if the simulated gunman were a Mexican drug lord rather than a disgruntled Iraq war vet, given the part of the country they're in."


  1. This is chilling. The photos of children with guns makes me think Sudan, not US.

  2. Good reporting as always, Ray. Instead of being aware about things like this, I am instead inundated by crap about people protesting Obama's Notre Dame speech (which really has NO significance on anything).

    I actually am an Eagle Scout myself; although I never did participate in the Explorer program (or have the desire to do so). Like the article stated, this program is for kids who are interested in getting involved in law enforcement in the future. With that in mind, I don't think that this is too terrible. Sure, maybe they're being brainwashed a little bit (with the whole looking for Iraqis thing). But, this is probably the best opportunity they have to see if this is something they really want to do.

    Please keep these posts coming.
